• Number of users

    Number of users:


  • Frequency of login

    Frequency of login:


  • Number of keywords

    Number of keywords:


  • Pricing plan

    Pricing plan:


  • Email reports

    Email reports:


  • Mobile App

    Mobile App:


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What does Twitch use Brand24 for?

We use Brand24 primarily for social chatter tracking. We want to understand what our customers are saying after every single event and use that insights to refine our products more.


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Do you remember examples of collected mentions or part of the dashboard that gives you what you need?

An example of how we would use B24 and its mention feature is something like this in our monthly report. This month’s social media reach is 33MM (-15% MoM) with 63% positive mentions (vs. 37% negative). There were increases in the numbers of mentions on Dec 3 and Dec 11. Some of the most popular posts in December were on TikTok, including this video of /imjunkyarddawg prepping for and participating in a Rivals event. On the 8th, Spanish participants Tweeted excitedly about their participation in the Among Us tournament. Most of the posts on December 11 were around the Glitch Pet and how to get it, showing the pervasive attention to custom and limited edition skins or add-ons in-game. Another popular TikTok instructed viewers on how to get the Glitch pet on Among Us.

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What is the most important KPI you get from Brand24?

Social media mention and the associated sentiment scores are the most useful KPI for us because we can at a glance understand what is going on in a given month and have the opportunity to dig deeper if needed.


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What features do you find most valuable?

I found the detailed mentions to be the most valuable because I can get a better understanding on what is the current conversation around our brand.

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